Amanda - Amanda Jane Copy

Amanda - Amanda Jane Copy

Amanda is a digital nomad (yup, she does travel the world! Stay up to date with her Insta to find out where in the world she’ll go next), copywriting expert, and storyteller who is dedicated to helping others tell their stories. She created Amanda Jane Copy, a copywriting and mentoring business, to help entrepreneurs and bloggers understand the craft of storytelling and the techniques of digital content marketing so they can become their own content bosses. 

What advice would you give to your 15 y/o self?

When I was 15, I had a bit of a problem... I had social anxiety and separation anxiety and was doing homeschooling... Yet I dreamed of travelling the world my whole life!! 

So I suppose if I were to tell her anything, it would be that even though things don't seem clear at the time, the universe is always challenging you in exactly the ways you need at the time. 

Little did I know it, but about 10 years later, digital nomadism would become a thing and all my years of discipline and self-motivation in homeschooling would train me to become a small business owner so I could be location independent!

What makes you proud to be a woman?

This is a tough one! I've had many experiences as a long-term solo female traveller of being in dangerous situations and I've experienced a LOT of frustrations about being a woman.

But at the same time, I love the social intuition women have and our generally easy ability to open up and be vulnerable which can help us forge close, intimate connections very quickly!

What's been the biggest challenge in your career so far?

I'm a huge people pleaser and very loyal to my loyal clients so I have a tremendously hard time saying no and setting boundaries. 

In the past, I've been screwed over more than once until I learned to set business hours and stick to them (OK, I still relent on this one OFTEN) and reinforce my contracts and payment processes. I've had to be vocal when scope creep happens too (which in my line of work can be fairly often!). 

What did you want to be when you grew up?

It's what I still want to be when I grow up haha! Ever since the age of four, I've wanted to write books and be an author. I still feel like my business is just a stepping stone to this ultimate dream (although I have published a travel book!)

Who inspires you the most and why?

I've thought long and hard about this one because I never had obvious role models growing up. I suppose I'd have to say, my parents. 

My mum has come from a difficult childhood and blossomed into her spirituality and kindness. She's so persistent in her love. 

And then my dad has always been supremely generous in his labour. He would pick me up any time of the day or night without any hesitation. He will spend his evenings over at the neighbours fixing things. I've never known anyone so generous with their time and knowledge. 

Follow Amanda and all her amazing content and travel tips here, check out everything she does and get in contact with her here, and of course get your hands on her book here!

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