Georgina - Vitalita Health

Georgina - Vitalita Health

Meet Georgina Siddall, co-founder of Vitalita, a health and wellness business dedicated to helping busy women create lives brimming with vitality.

Having experienced burnout while climbing the corporate ladder, Georgina understands that exhaustion is not a badge of honour. Diagnosed with anxiety and depression in 2011 after mistaking a panic attack for a heart attack, she knew something had to change. Yoga, meditation and mindfulness were vital to her recovery; these practices fostered mental and emotional resilience, taught her to savour the present moment; and replenished her innate curiosity and lust for life. She knows that life can be different and is committed to helping other women restore a sense of vitality and purpose.

As a women's wellness coach, Georgina helps high-achieving women conquer burnout, stress and overwhelm so they can truly flourish in mid-life and beyond. But it's not all crystals and chai lattes! She fuses practical action and accountability with her passion for movement, mindfulness and meditation to create an holistic experience.

What advice would you give to your 15 year old self? 
There is a framed quote by EE Cummings on my bathroom wall: It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.

So, if I could go back in time, I would wipe the tears from her eyes and reassure her that it’s okay to feel like she doesn’t fit in. And that she may never feel like she fits in because, in truth, she was made to stand out!

I’d want her to know that it will take time (and courage) to feel comfortable in her skin… but to hang in there and hold onto her unique spirit because she will eventually meet people who recognise her magic and value her for who she is. And when she does, she will shine so bright. 

What makes you proud to be a woman? 
Having endured lifetimes of oppression, suppression and subjugation, women are strong AF! 

I am proud to stand on the shoulders of my forebears, fierce women who fought and died for rights we take for granted: reproductive and marital rights, financial independence and the right to vote, for example. 

We still have so much work to do in pursuit of gender equity and social justice, but I feel as though women are once again experiencing an awakening. We are emerging from the shadows, ready to stake a claim for what is rightfully ours. I only hope that I can contribute in some small way, helping to empower and equip future generations of people who identify as women.


What’s been your biggest challenge in your career so far? 

They say we teach what we need to learn. As a Type A in recovery, my lesson is to slow down.

Anxiety, depression and burnout. I experienced it all while climbing the corporate ladder. But it took what I thought was a heart attack and a straight-talking paramedic to bring me to my senses. 

My breakdown was the wake up call of a lifetime and I am profoundly grateful for the lessons I learned when I hit rock bottom - that life lived at warp speed isn’t truly living, it’s unfulfilling and unsustainable. 

These days, I’m in the driver’s seat and, as a women’s wellness coach and teacher of mindful movement and meditation, I am able to work and live in a way that is nourishing, supports my wellbeing and aligns with my values. When my calendar is bursting at the seams and exhaustion starts creeping in, I am able to recognise the warning signs and take steps to redress the balance.


What did you want to be when you grew up? 
Apparently I wanted to be a cleaning lady! Although I never went down that path, in another lifetime I worked in the arts, spending almost a decade working in London’s museums and gallery sector before moving into cultural policy and management. Although I no longer use those qualifications, every step (and misstep) was a valuable learning experience and ultimately informs the way I live and work today.

Who inspires you most and why? 
There are so many women I admire and they all share one quality: a fierce sense of self. These women know who they are; they take up space and aren’t afraid to ruffle feathers or speak up for what they believe in. These women are the future and they inspire me to do and be better on a daily basis.

Check out Georgina and all the amazing things she does here, and follow her on the socials here and here!

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